About Anno Jorna
Anno Jorna was born in the Netherlands and moved to France in 1996. With several years of experience in distribution of poultry vaccines throughout Asia he founded his company specialised in poultry vaccination equipment. He completed innovation and development of several machines for vaccination of poultry since 1996 such as a spray cabinet, a spray wagon for poultry housed in cages, a machine for injection of day old chicks against Marek disease, a double shot injection machine for administration of two poultry vaccines in one shot, a breast injector for layers and breeders and a special wing web vaccinator. Patents have been granted to several of these innovations and he has delivered thousands of machines to customers in five continents. One of the major poultry vaccine companies acquired his company years ago and today he creates new equipment under the name of Vacsup. Together with you we improve continuously the quality of our products.