The Vacsup Spray One is an efficacious spray cabinet for administration of live vaccines to day old chicks (Coccidiosis, Infectious Bronchitis, Newcastle Disease). Built from quality materials, simple and reliable, this spray cabinet helps you vaccinating up to 40.000 chicks per hour. Controlled pressure and four calibrated nozzles ensure ideal crate coverage and optimal immunization.

A combination of rolling and sliding facilitates handling and cleaning. Maximum crate dimensions are 50 x 65 cm. The stainless steel frame has been designed with integrated collection of excess liquid.

Quality air filtering, pressure regulation and a manometer are some of the features ensuring a reliable and regular operation. An electronic counter allows counting of all crates sprayed on.

Vacsup Spray One comes with a vaccine piston that allows doses of 10 – 23 ml per chick box. A simple turning of the dosing nut makes it easy to change the spray volume in seconds.

The valve system specially designed for the Spray One is reusable and easy to clean. It controls the flow from the 4 liter vaccine tank into the vaccine cylinder and to the nozzle system. The nozzle bodies (no screws) can easily be removed from the spray cap.

Four nozzles are used at the same time to reach a good chick coverage. Three different nozzle types are included to generate average droplet sizes ranging from 150 to 300 microns (from a rather fine spray to a
coarse spray). The nozzle type can be chosen to be suitable for the type of vaccination and for the climate conditions.

A 12 V magnetic stirrer is available for the Vacsup Spray One as an option. It can easily be placed under the frame, keeping vaccine solutions homogeneous if this is required. The stirrer operates more than a hundred hours before recharging is needed.
Veterinary Recommendation
We can communicate with you about spray volume and choice of nozzles based on many years of experience. But your particular situation (health status of chicks, vaccine type, climate conditions) may require a precise veterinary recommendation. Therefore always follow your veterinarian’s instructions.